Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I am tired ...

Wednesday afternoon after waking up from his nap Vansh complains of stomach pain and throws up partially on the carpet and partially on the kitchen floor. Stomach flu strikes once again, the third time in this season! As I change his clothes, soak the dirty ones, clean the kitchen, and am halfway through the carpet, he throws up in the kitchen again. Weak and not quite himself on Thursday. Wants to be cuddled a lot. Nights are too tiring as well. Jiya getting up every 2-3 hours and screaming out loud. I am so exhausted from a back breaking day that I bring her into the bed and nurse her a couple of times during the night. Friday morning Jiya throws up at 7:00 am and again at 9:00 after being fed. I call the triage nurse at the pediatrician's office who tells me to exclusively breast feed her every hour for a few minutes so that she gets in little in her stomach at regular and frequent intervals. Weak baby, cranky from all the trouble that she is going through, not able to nap or sleep too well. Saturday - Jiya is temperamentally fine but still has a mild diarrhea, which is not as much a problem, in spite of the many soiled clothes et al, as the newer and now unmistakable and more intense one of separation anxiety. A minute out of sight is met by screams, loud ones, some of them even louder than Vansh's. This continues at nights as well. In fact she screams if I do anything short of pacing the floor with her. Sunday, we decide to get out of the house to the Children's museum, to pep up things after a weary half week. Dressing up everyone for the -30 outside takes nothing short of an hour. And we still feel cold, very cold, and yet again exhausted, almost to the point of feeling stressed. In the midst of it all, increased loads of laundry, carrying Jiya a lot, playing with Vansh, in addition to the everyday sundry tasks, I feel sapped mentally and physically. Sunday night I decide Jiya would have to learn to sleep herself. Which means listening to a lot of crying on Sunday night. Beckoning Ferber yet again, for the younger one this time. Tough, distressing, heart wrenching but unavoidable. Monday morning, Ashwini wakes up feeling cold and feeling a churning stomach. Decides to stay home. Rests a lot. Things are getting better with the kids. Except the separation anxiety part - thats at its worse. Chores are mounting up. Huh!! Monday night - cries again but definitely better than the previous night. Tuesday - another day passes. A call to the triage nurse again to ask about Jiya's diarrhea this time tells me the virus can take a week to get out of the system and to continue with her normal diet. Starchy foods - rice and oatmeal cereal are good. Ashwini still not absolutely fit. Has an ongoing stomach pain. Tuesday night - hardly any cries :) Thank God for that! Today was a better day. Ashwini is feeling better. All that's left now is to complete all the huge piled up chores, try to get them done during the little one's naps. And I am so tired!


Sue said...

Poor you. Sounds like my week two weks ago. These stoach flues can be so deadly, and right in the middle of yet another attempt at toilet-training.

Oh well, hang in there. Vansh seems like a good kid to have around in times like these. :)

Neera said...

Thanks dear! I need all the good wishes. After stomach flu, it was the most wicked cough and cold he has gotten by far.

Hope Bhabhlet is fit and healthy and doing well at potty training now.

Sue said...

He's better, thanks. Not at the potty training, though, that's gone exactly nowhere. :(

Neera said...

15-16 months, if I am right, is way too young, in my opinion. With Vansh, I kept grappling off and on a couple of months before his 2nd b'day, with he being only too content roaming around in drenched pants. About 2 months after he turned 2 did it start making consistent sense to him. Good luck!