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Monday, May 27, 2013

Blue Man Group Announces Expanded Summer Schedule


     Cool Off With Blue Man Group During Additional Performances in 
June, July and August for Summer Vacationers

CHICAGO – Blue Man Group is a critically hailed theatrical phenomenon on stage at Chicago’s Briar Street Theatre, 3133 N. Halsted Street.  Blue Man Group’s production provides its audience with a unique and thrilling multi-sensory experience that blends innovative theatrical spectacle and dynamic original music with hilarious comedy, art, technology and science to create a performance experience unlike any other.

Additional performances have been added in June, July and August to accommodate summer visitors to Chicago. For a full show schedule, visit

Group rates are available for 15 or more. To request information, please email

The New York Times said of the show “People from all over the world, from all walks of life and from all age groups have become fans!” The Chicago Tribune called Blue Man Group “The perfect entertainment” while The Los Angeles Times designated the Blue Men as “the most tantalizing boundary-pusher(s) afoot” and E! Entertainment Television dubbed the show “what every performance aspires to be!” 

In the show, the Blue Men encounter a variety of environments to discover, engage with and explore of-the-moment situations with cutting-edge technology.  Many of the signature scenes that have made Blue Man Group one of today’s best-loved theatrical productions have been in the show since its opening, though new material has been integrated regularly. Newer passages include Blue Men interacting with “GiPads;” a funny and perceptive look at contemporary communication vehicles; and a pulsating finale featuring an original Blue Man Group music score.

Currently, Blue Man Group theatrical shows can be seen in New York, Boston, Chicago, Las Vegas, Orlando, Berlin, and on tour throughout the U.S. Blue Man Group can also be seen onboard the Norwegian Epic by Norwegian Cruise Line – the Official Cruise Line of Blue Man Group.

The company’s music, featuring custom made instruments and signature, percussive sound, can be heard on five albums, including the Grammy-nominated “Audio,” as well as
various film and television projects. As the company grows, it remains true to its vision of providing exciting experiences in a variety of media, appealing to a broad range of age groups and cultural backgrounds.

Blue Man Group’s appeal is multi-generational, with several projects specifically designed for young people, including “Making Waves,” a popular touring exhibit for children, and the national “Invent an Instrument” competition. 

Tickets are available from $49-$99. Tickets may be purchased at the Briar Street Theatre by calling the box office at (773) 348-4000; by calling Ticketmaster at (800) 982-2787; at all Ticketmaster ticket centers or via the Internet at For more information, visit


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